The development environment for the connectivity system of tomorrow

The "digital twin" as an image of an increasingly complex radio environment

The vehicle of the future is digital and connected. Automated driving and entertainment applications used in parallel are setting increasingly complex demands on modern connectivity systems. To ensure the reliability of these systems and at the same time improve their performance, a wide range of measurement and testing procedures is required. Today, these tests are complex, time-consuming and expensive. Nevertheless, they deliver incomplete and hardly reproducible results.

The DOCT research project aims to significantly increase the safety of in-vehicle connectivity systems by creating a high-performance development environment. A fast and nearly complete qualification of secure and robust radio systems for automated driving and OTA data applications will thus become possible.

The "digital twin" is the image of a radio scenario portfolio optimized for the project and thus of the complex radio environment. This portfolio is composed of the radio scenarios of the partners, which are redundancy-filtered by AI methods and completed by extrapolation in frequencies and modulation standards. The "digital twin" is then tested and evaluated in a measurement chamber on the vehicle as part of a proof-of-concept.

The advantages of a digital development environment for connectivity systems

DOCT closes the gaps for a complete test pattern

DOCT makes the high complexity manageable

DOCT reduces the test- / measurement effort

DOCT creates the basis for standardization of the test procedures


As a broad-based interdisciplinary team from business and research entities, we are developing, together within DOCT, the development environment for connectivity systems of tomorrow.


The "digital twin" paves the way for fast and complete qualification of safe and robust radio systems for automated driving and OTA data applications in an increasingly complex radio environment.


Get access to the most recent and scientific publications of the consortium partners and documents related to the project.


DOCT project meeting at Altair: progress in the development of the digital twin and in the classification of data

On October 9 and 10, 2024, the DOCT project meeting took place at Keysight's premises in Böblingen, as Altair's premises are currently being renovated. Around 25 participants came together to discuss the work of the last few months of the project and the latest findings. 

Workshop at IMST: Towards innovative vehicle communication

From 17 to 18 April 2024, 25 project partners met at IMST for a two-day workshop in Kamp-Lintfort. Their aim: to plan and concretize the next steps and plans for the project.

Milestone achieved: First proof of concept workshop for vehicle connectivity

On 7 March 2024, the first proof of concept workshop of the DOCT research project took place in the Heinrich Hertz antenna testing hall of Mercedes-Benz in Sindelfingen. An important milestone in the project! For the first time, the project partners demonstrated a selected radio scenario with a vehicle in a testing hall.

Project consortium
